Jim & Deb

Master of PhotographyJim and Deb Chagares have met the standards of excellence set by the Professional Photographers of America, and have both been awarded the Master of Photography Degree in recognition of superior photographic competence, demonstrated through success in photographic competition, advanced education, and service to the profession.


Photographic CraftsmanJim and Deb have also been awarded the Photographic Craftsman Degree. This degree is in recognition of their service to the photographic profession as orators, authors and mentors.


Master of Electronic ImagingJim has also earned the Master of Electronic Imaging Degree. To qualify for this degree photographers are required to pass a comprehensive written examination measuring their technical expertise and submit images for critical review. The entries must be created electronically and may consist of computer graphics, electronic still images or other electronically created, manipulated or enhanced images.

Fellow American Society of Photographers

ASP Medallion

In 2012, Jim became a Fellow of the American Society of Photographers. The Fellowship is awarded for exemplary photography, artistic philosophy, inspiring career experiences and notable achievements. A portfolio of 25 images and a thesis is evaluated by a critical panel of five carefully selected judges
. All judges hold the Master of Photography degree and four hold the Fellowship degree.

In 2007, Jim received the prestigious ASP Gold Medallion Award from the American Society of Photographers for his album entry Messengers to the Creator. His album was also chosen as Album of the Year by Professional Photographers of America. In 2008, Jim was the first to receive the ASP Gold Medallion Award twice for his album entry The Otter Family.

In 2009, Jim & Deb received the ASP Regional Medallion Award for their album entry Great Coastal Brown Bears. Their entry scored 100 at the Mid-America Regional Conference.

Yellowstone: Backcountry Journey scored 100 at the 2010 Mid-Americica Regional Conference and Jim was again awarded the ASP Regional Mediallion.

Canon Par Excellence Award 2010
The intention of the “Canon Par Excellence” Award is to recognize excellence in image making. The criteria demands that this prestigious award exemplify a specific level of achievement. The Affiliate Jurors will consider the four sealed entries of those makers as a body of work with variety, impact, creativity, and technical expertise. Jim received this awarded at the Mid-America Regional Affiliate Competition.

Canon Par Excellence

Photographer of the Year
In 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011 and again in 2012, Jim won Photographer of the Year at Professional Photographers of Indiana.

In 2003, Jim's image "In the Beginning" scored a 100 at the Professional Photographers of Indiana's annual print competition and was later accepted to the ASP Masters' Traveling Loan Collection.

He is a five time winner of the Professional Photographers of Indiana Platinum Award for Best of Show with the highest scoring image, three of which scored 100.

In 2004, 2005, 2008 and 2011 he received the ASP State Elite Award for the highest scoring image.

He has held the Indiana Digital Imager of the Year title 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009 and 2011.

In 2003, Jim won the Photographer of the Year title at the Mid-East States Regional print exhibit in Columbus, Ohio.

He is a three time Photographer of the Year at the Indianapolis Professional Photographers Guild.

Jim has earned the Photographer of the Year award from Professional Photographers of America in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012.

Deb received Photographer of the Year award from Professional Photographers of America in 2007.

Jim & Deb have had several Traveling Loan Collection images and Epcot selections.

Jim is also the recipient of the Imaging Excellence Award from Professional Photographers of America for having received 13 Traveling Loan Collection images. He has also earned 2 Imaging Excellence Bar for 39 Loan Collection images.

Jim has placed in the Top Ten Indiana photographers the past fourteen years.

Jim's image "Majestic" was selected to receive the Foveon Award at the 2001 Mid-East States Regional Convention, then was selected to be a part of the American Society of Photographers' Photographic Hall of Fame. Majestic was then selected to appear on the 2001 Loan Collection Book cover.

In 2006, Deb received the ASP State Elite Award for the highest scoring image as well as the best Black and White and the Illustrative Award.

Jim is the recipient of numerous Fuji Masterpiece Awards and Kodak Gallery Awards.

Jim & Deb both have received the Top Ten award at the Professional Photographers of Indiana Convention and also at the Mid-East States Regional Convention.

In 2004, Jim was the recipient of the PPA's highest honor, "The National Award."

Diamond Photographer of the Year 2018
Professional Photographers of America

Earning Diamond Photographer of the Year from Professional Photographer's International Photographic Compstition means that all four of a photographer’s entries into competition earned a spot in the coveted Loan Collection. In 2017, all four of Jim's entries were selected to the 2018 Loan Collection. Jim achieved this goal with 4 albums entries.
Foxy Lady


Phantom of the North

The Great Salmon Run

Professional Photographers of America
Magazine January 2018

Professional Photographers of America
Magazine July 2009
PPA Magazine

BirdWatching Magazine
Birdwatching Magazine

Defenders of Wildlife
Defenders of Wildlife

Professional Photographers of Indiana
PPI Magazine

Jackson Hole Magazine
Jackson Hole Magazine

American Society of Photographers
Magazine Spring 2012

ASP Magazine

Defenders of Wildlife Calendar
Defender of Wildlife Calendar

National Geographic
Bird Watcher's Bible

Bird Watcher's Bible

Audubon Magazine
Audubon Magazine

Audubon Magazine
2011 Top 100

Eagle Nest

Audubon Magazine
2012 Top 100

Metalic Migrant

Audubon Magazine
2012 Top 100

Ghost of the Forest

Audubon Magazine
2012 Top 100

Defender of Wildlife
Calendar 2015

National Geographic

American Bird Conservancy

National Geographic

Wild Planet Photo Magazine

Nature's Best
Yellowstone Forever

Yellowstone Forever Calendar

World Photographic Cup 2016




copyright © 1996 - 2025 Chagares Photography